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Friday, August 17, 2012

Yo-Jin-Bo Installation Tutorial


Black Angel again! Here's how to easily install Yo-Jin-Bo (with screenshots!). Yo-Jin-Bo works on both Windows and Mac, so here's the Windows tutorial.

So, how to install and download! Well, lucky for you, this doesn't need English patches since it's already in English! So installation is nice and easy, no need to worry about regions and stuff like that. I'm gonna explain it nice and easy in four easy steps with screenshots! so you should get it. Don't forget to click on the image to make it super big!!!!

Download Link:

Alternate Download Link:
Yo-Jin-Bo BIN file

Yo-Jin-Bo CUE file

NOTE: If you download the BIN and CUE files from the alternate download link, you can skip to step 3.

1. Download all the files in the link. Don't worry about viruses, I uploaded these myself. I might be good with computers, but I have no idea how to even put a virus on a file. Nor do I want to. After downloading all of them, make a folder and put all of the downloaded files in there. So it should look something like this...

2.  Right-click "Yo-Jin-Bo.part 1.rar" and click extract here. You must have Win-rar, 7 zip, or some other program similar to these to do this. If you need help with this, consult the Extraction tutorial on this blog. After you do that, you should have a .BIN file and a .CUE file in the folder. Now if you want, you can delete all those pesky parts.




 3.  For this step, you must have Daemon Tools. If you don't have it or are new to it, download it and consult the Daemon Tools Tutorial on this blog. Now, go to Daemon Tools and add the .BIN file to the program, not the .CUE. You will not be able to see the .BIN file at first, so when you add the file you must change whatever is in the "Files of Type" to "All Files". Once you have added the .BIN file, mount it. After you mount it, you should immediately be prompted to install the game.



4. Install and Enjoy!!!!

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below!!!!


  1. Hohooo~ Subarashi, waga no aibou! ♥ *clap clap*

  2. woOohoOo...^o^/
    thank you for the tutorial!!
    it really helped me alot!!
    now i can play Yo-Jin-Bo.. :)

  3. @Sasugasugoi
    teehee thank you XD

    Your welcome :), and thank you, comments like these make me really happy and make me want to do more!

  4. your tutorial is really awesome!!
    it's easy to understand :) :)
    thank you so much for this!! :) :)

  5. please please please W*W make tutorial how to install Chaos;Head VN -.- i try so many times to instal it but it did not work on my computer, windows 7. thank soo much for the tutorial

  6. @Anon
    Well, otome games are my specialty and I haven't played this myself but I will try to make a tutorial on how to install this. Or maybe Black Angel will.

  7. Thank you for all the encouragement. Also for anyone else, if you have any requests, please dont hesitate to ask!

    I havent played that game either, but I can look it up (downloading it right now) and help u (unless sasugasugoi wants to do it...?)

  8. Geh, I'm not really enthusiastic since it's not an otome game? Wanna do it, Black Angel?
    Meanwhile, I'm trying (note: it's an operative word) to create a tutorial on how to play [otome game] Hakuouki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom on PSP Emulator (JPCSP).

  9. @Anon
    Tada!!! Your wish is my command sire! It's done! Go check it out (if you still come here and check..)

  10. hey..
    do u know where i can download starry sky spring english free?please tell me

  11. @yuu's world

    We actually have it right here on the blog! The Starry Sky In Spring Review has the download links, and we also have a tutorial showing you how to install it!!!! I'll even post the links for you..
    Review/Download Link:

    Installation Tutorial:

    Good luck!

  12. @black angel
    thanks a lot :D ur blog really useful XD

  13. hello!!~
    may i request a tutorial for tokimeki memorial girl's side?
    please? i'm dying to play this game.. o_o;
    i really dont know how to install it... TT-TT

  14. @bunny
    O.O You are either a prophet or a mind-reader, because that was the review and tutorial I was going to do this week...Well, technically I'm going to be doing Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 2nd season just because I enjoyed that game more than the first one, but I will eventually get around to the first one :)

  15. thank you! thank you! xD
    i'll look forward to it.. :) :)

  16. Sorry but I can't install this game at all :(
    I download all these parts and follow your tutorial, but after the 2nd step, I can't see the .BIN file and the .CUE's icon is not the same with your (I've had winrar already, but there's no change when I click "Extract here". I don't know, maybe it causes the problem, isn't it?)
    Please help me!

  17. -Saen-

    Thanks for the help; I had no ideia how to install this, especially since all I got was a ISO file (worked just fine with your walk-through) and I had no idea what to do with it. The game works great. Thanks alot :D

  18. @Casandra
    Yeah, your winrar is probably weirded out or something, did u try uninstalling the winrar and reinstalling it? That should work. Does it give you an error message when you click "extract here"?
    Hehe you're welcome :3

  19. i cant download part 1 :(

  20. part 1 is brokeeeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  21. I posted an alternate download link :) Sorry for that!

  22. Hey :)

    First, thanks for posting all of this, it is very useful and this must take you some time to do all of this.
    I have a problem with Yo Jin Bo installation. While installing, a window saying : "Error 1305.Error reading frome file E:\program files\TWOFIVE_HIRAMEKI\Yo-Jin-Bo\voice\Avoice_64.swf. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it." appears. I'm currently trying to re-download the .bin file to see if it changes something but it kinda takes time x).

    Thanks again and keep the good work ! :)

    1. Oh the infamous 1305 error. Hmm you could try reinstalling it and it might fix it, but I recommend you use this...

      Download this software, scan your computer for the error, fix the problem and you're done :D

  23. Actually, I have no idea how,I could still play the game after searching through the files... Weird thing though o_o.

    Thanks a lot again ! :)

    1. Haha I did that as well. I didn't bother installing the game in my drive since I also found that executable file. Different methods but still the same output so why pick the one that will eat more space in your computer? XD

  24. May: Your fourth link isn't working, when I tried downloading it, it said something "Split Archived Blocked."

  25. my fourth link? Are you downloading it from my alternate link? Because there's only 2 files in that one.

  26. Sigh :< have a question...

    I have a litle problem whit the 3° step. I cant see the BIN file when I want to add the image in Daemon. I have read the Daemon tutorial but I still dont get it (I know Im a little slow T.T) How can I change the "Files of Type" to "All Files"? I know its a dumb question and sorry for asking.

    And thanks for made this tutorial! :) I wanted to play Yo-Jin-Bo since a long time ago so im really glad to have ind this site. Greets!

    1. Sorry for the late reply! Hmm that's weird, are you sure you have the .BIN file downloaded? Well when you open Daemon Tools lick on the leftmost bottom button to add the file, and then a window should pop up. It should be the window where you select the file and underneath it'll say "File Name:" and under that "File of Types". Click on that bottom one and change it to All files. And then you should find it int he folder you downloaded it in. :) Hope you figure it out!!

  27. Is this a full version?

  28. Wow I actually did it now!! Thank you so much for doing this tutorial. It was very helpful. Love you xxx

  29. Hi..First of all,thank you so much for having so much effort in doing this tutorial..I really appreciate it.
    However,I am facing some problem right now...I install the .bin and the cue...I use the Daemon to mount it and it seems just fine...But it get stuck at the >>Istalling Yo-Jin-Bo>>Copying new files
    It just load there for a few hours and it doesnt even move...I have tried several times but it always end up like this..
    Please,is there any solution to this?May I know how to fix it?
    Once again,deeply appreciate your hard work for this.Thank You.=)

  30. Um, is this in Japanese or English?
    (Wants the Japanese one)

  31. omg...somehow I MAKE is all bcuz of you...thanxs a lot......arigatou!!!!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.



Please put your names on your comments so I can differentiate which Anon I'm talking to. To place your name, click the drop-down arrow in the "Comment as" and choose "Name/URL". No URL? Never mind that, then. Be civil in posting. Oh, and by the way, English is our universal language here. Occasional Japanese is fine.
Arigatou~! :>